Month: June 2024

Final sprint…

>Translated with
(>Pictures at the bottom!)

….to Halifax
A long time ago, the province of New Brunswick was the retreat of the noble society of the North American east coast. Those days are long gone and the well-heeled classes have already found new areas for themselves. What remains are marvellous places that are now real gems and attract many visitors. We were also impressed by the once marvellous small towns along the coast, where the upper classes used to be at each other’s doorsteps. Read More

Back in Canada

>Translated with
(>Pictures at the bottom!)

….and return to the USA
Coming from the USA, entering the great northern country was a piece of cake. The customs officer did ask a few critical questions, but in the end we had a nice chat about our previous journey. With a few tips about Canada, he soon wished us a safe and eventful journey. We probably look really trustworthy! 🙂 Read More