Month: July 2021

Winch Warn / replacement synthetic rope

7 July 2021 (before departure to Iceland)

After about one and a half years, the Warn synthetic rope on the drum was so frayed that it had to be replaced. The fraying occurred only after the 10/11 turn, i.e. immediately after the thermal protection. Most of the fibres were destroyed and would no longer have withstood the possible pulling force of the winch. Read More

Going to Iceland

>Translated with
(>Pictures at the bottom!)

It was a bit annoying when a stomach flu put me (Tom) to bed one day before our departure. Although everything was ready, there are usually many little things that have to be done before departure that can hardly be done beforehand or have been forgotten. So in the end Chantal had to lug the heavy luggage to the jeep and stow it in it, while I lay hunched in bed hoping for a quick recovery. Since we had opted for the motorail train for the trip to Hamburg, another departure day was not possible and so we – Chantal with her lifeless husband – went on a short farewell tour. The jeep was quickly up on the transport wagon in the Lörrach goods station and I (Tom) was even more quickly horizontal in the sleeper compartment. Read More

Tour de Suisse…

>Translated with
(>Pictures at the bottom!)

….once around our country!
At the beginning of May, the time had finally come again; we set off once more. No, not on the big tour around the world. Due to the pandemic, we were still only allowed to take small leaps. But after five and a half months in the asylum, every little tour was a relief from the standstill. Especially since we wanted to test all the new parts we had installed and find out where we could add a small improvement. Read More